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Jun 16, 2009

making money on twitter

This is an easy way to rake in some cash. This method involves twitter. I know twitter does not convert well for most people but twitterers do like to click thing... and thats a good thing. This method takes about an hour of initial setup but then its just 5 minutes of work a day.

1. Head on over to Here if you're nice and setup an account. revtwt pays you to post ads for them and you get payed per click.

2. Setup some twitter accounts. I suggest doing 10 accounts for this, our goal is to post 3 ads a day on each account and average $1-$2 per post (easily done).

3. Make your twitter accounts girly, rip some photos from myspace or somewhere make it look appealing (use your head). Make sure you have a picture though this helps a lot.

4. Post some "tweets" real quick. If you need ideas just google some quotes or something get a few in there 5 is fine.

5. Go to flashtweet.com and login with your twitter details. Click on "mass follow" now go to twitterholic.com and find some famous people. I like to use nytimes and cnnbrk (cnn breaking news). We want to find people who just joined twitter (will explain why later on).

6. Add 400 people to each account (should only take about a minute or two per account). Then wait for your revtwt account to update.

You need at least 50 followers to post an ad using revtwt. They update their followers every 30 minutes so go grab some sneakers or something.

7. Find a good ad to post I am currently running this one:

"generate thousands of followers for your twitter profile with this easy tool LINK"

Find something that would be appealing, obviously this one is perfect and it pays out 7 cents a click. Now, 7 cents a click wont get you rich but keep reading it gets better..

8. Go back to flashtweet.com and add 400-600 more people per account. This will take about a half hour but it will be worth it.

Everyday add ~500 people until you hit 2000 then remove people, rinse - repeat.

The more followers you have the easier it gets to make $$. Once content (after about 3 days or so) you will have a lot of followers and will be making very easy cash.

I think I covered everything, if not I'll post in here later.
and dont forget to add me. makingmoneymom


Mochamom04 said...

I really needed this information. Thanks for posting. I have not gotten into twitter, but I will definitely try this out. Every penny counts...and cents make dollars!! It adds up!

AJ88xA8 said...

how much money can you make?

your organic blogger said...

hello! well right now, i am about to receive another $21 payout. $20 is the minimum. its not a get rich tonight scheme or scam.hehehe. but $20 is actually $20. :-)

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